Training Design, Development, and Support.

We have you covered.


JOLTDLP brings decades of experience delivering successful training, adoption & managed service solutions for implementation of ERP systems and other applications. Today with our JOLTUX framework and expanding digital adoption platform options, we can provide our customers with a true enterprise training strategy that drives user adoption, enhances the user experience, and realizes ROI.

In addition to our JOLTUX framework, we offer a variety of staffing and service models to fit your project, training, and staffing needs.​


Today we have powerful tools that can motivate the most skeptical learning communities to adopt and master their systems. Having the right strategy and expertise to maximize the benefits of these tools is paramount to adoption success.​

JOLT DLP uses proven training methods founded on ADDIE principles (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation). Our JOLTUX Framework allows us to accelerate the development process and produce high-impact training materials while minimizing the burden on the project team. ​

Successful Training & User Adoption​

What we can deliver for you:

ILT / Online custom training courses designed by experienced Instructional Designers​

Classroom materials including guides, exercises, QRG’s, real life scenarios, and hands-on labs

Digital adoption platforms design & materials​

Best practices to maximize learner retention​

Training on a variety of ERP applications such as Oracle and SAP


When it comes to project delivery of your Digital Adoption Platform (DAP) or sustainment training staff, we offer several programs to assist your team with optimizing end-user adoption.

Our staff includes:​

  • Training Program Managers
  • Change Management Leadership
  • Project Managers
  • DAP Implementation Specialists
  • Instructional Designers
  • Trainers and DAP Developers



Since your applications will continue to receive updates, so should your training content. We can maintain or assist with maintaining your Digital Adoption Platform (DAP) and developed content. During your application updates, we work with your Subject Matter Experts to identify and update the necessary content. We also test and make appropriate updates for any DAP version releases.​

All services agreements are customized to fit your business needs based on the volume of anticipated updates and expanded use of the DAP.


Our special DAP Programs are used for clients that have UPK and/or already purchased a DAP. The programs are designed to get your organization up and running as effectively and efficiently as possible on a new DAP. Each program can be customized based on where you are in the DAP search/acquisition process, your training needs, what type of resources you require, and if you have UPK content to be converted into the new DAP.

Jumpstart DAP Implementation​

OUR DAP Jumpstart program is designed to accelerate your digital adoption platform implementation. We provide you with the resources, knowledge, skills, and tools to quickly get your environments optimized, developers trained, and team fully engaged to streamline development and maximize end-user adoption with your new platform.

The program is fully customizable based on where you are in your journey and your specific needs.​

Program Phases:​

  • Installation and Configuration​
  • Administration & Developer Training
  • Standards, Branding & Documentation Customizations​
  • UPK Content Migration
  • Content Development Pilot

TransformU Program

JOLT DLP specializes in helping organizations that have a digital adoption strategy in place to quickly transition from UPK to a new Digital Adoption Platform (DAP).

This program is intended for organizations that do not have UPK content to convert into the new DAP. Our TransformU program is designed to accelerate and help ease the transition from UPK to a new DAP. We assist with platform licensing then provide you with the knowledge, skills, and tools to quickly get your new DAP optimized, your developers trained, and your team fully engaged to streamline development and maximize end-user adoption.

The program can be adjusted based on where you are in the digital transformation journey.​​

Program Phases:​

  • Training & Digital Adoption Assessment​
  • Product Demos​
  • Licensing Acquisition Assistance
  • Conversion Scoping, Strategy & Planning ​
  • Installation and Configuration of new DAP​
  • UPK Content Migration and Validation​
  • Administration & Developer Training​
  • Standards, Branding, and Documentation Customizations​
  • Content Development Pilot​

Ready to take a proactive approach to digital adoption?

Talk to our digital adoption experts today.