Epilogue Opus

Enterprise Digital Adoption Platform - Built for Ease, Speed and Any Application

One Cloud solution for your Digital Adoption needs!

Opus drives the software adoption journey, delivering contextual support to users at the exact moment they need it. From producing effective learning content to tracking performance data, Opus allows the enterprise to improve knowledge transfer and and measure how often users are searching for in-app support content. The adoption cycle provides speed, ease, and efficiency to all members of your enterprise including onboarding, subject matter experts to general users.

The Next Generation Digital Adoption Platform

Simplifies user adoption of your enterprise and complex B2B applications. Powered by AWS.

perfect replacement for oracle upk

UPK is no longer supported as of Dec. 31, 2022. If you haven’t migrated to a new tool, you’re likely out of compliance and facing security risks.

The Next Generation Walkthrough

Follow Me, a walk-through created in minutes, makes walk-throughs possible for all your web-based processes and applications.

Epilogue Opus enables you to:

Create digital adoption content easily and quickly

Automatically generate multiple outputs for in-app guidance, training, assessment, UAT, and compliance

Manage workflow of projects, teams, tasks and content

Enterprise level Workflow, project/task, and content Management for creating, reviewing, approving, and maintaining content

Engage application users in-application

Provides multiple options to users in their time of need, including simulations, documentation, and application guidance

Analyze progress, utilization, and effectiveness

Track workflow, utilization, monitor content aging, and learning performance data

Epilogue Opus saves your UPK investment

  • Convert UPK files in bulk and in minutes

  • Converted into fully editable files for easy maintenance

  • Deliver in-application help to your users at their moment of need

  • Watch this video to see how fast and easy it is to convert your UPK content

Migrate your Oracle UPK content in 3 easy steps

Export the UPK ODARC files you want to save
Use the Opus UPK Content Converter and bulk convert into fully editable Opus files … in minutes

Deliver this content in-application to your users with the Opus Digital Adoption Platform

Opus for Your Pre Go-Live and Post Go-Live Needs…

  • Application Documentation

  • Improved Training

  • Improve software ROI

  • In-Application Help & Guidance

  • Post Launch Success

Ready to Take a Proactive Approach to Digital Adoption?

Talk to our digital adoption experts today.